Friday 16 May 2014

Felting ...part 2

Feeling all self confident after the semi success of the wall hanging, I thought I would give the postage bag a go. The trouble with felting is that it takes so long, much to the ire of David who is banned like the cats from the kitchen when it's in progress. I worked really hard on the Saturday to clear all chores and orders so Sunday was pretty much free to get on with the bag. 

This time I did think about it...a little bit! Drew out some ideas and then started. I never know how big to make the initial laying out as I know it will shrink by roughly a 3rd, but the end article always seems smaller than intended. I wonder if I full it too much...hmm.

So I laid out the shape a sort of thick cross, the plan being to just sew up the 4 corners to make the bag. I must admit the 'less is more' voice was nowhere to be seen, I got very carried way with all the wonderful coloured wool tops, angelina, curly locks, nepps and silk throwsters waste I have in my felting box. I was trying to create an illusion of more little flowers with a few bigger ones...sort of.

Then I got really adventurous and thought I'd make a bee and a butterfly, but with wet felting everything moves and I must admit to needle felting after it had dried to tidy up the edges and give them some detail.

 I got the troublesome sewing machine out and added embroidery which gave it a nice quilted effect. Don't even ask about the silky lining! It was a disaster as the felt wasn't straight (it never is) and using the bag as a template it was all wonky and much muttering ensued during the final stages. So as long as it filled up with post and no-one can see in it, it's fine.

It's not as I envisioned, why can't my hands been on the same page as my brain? But it's bright, functional and I made it. Felting is an art I have yet to master, but it won't stop me trying  as it's so much fun and one day maybe I'll get good at it!

Lesson learnt...less IS more, leave the shiny, brightly coloured bits alone, or use them in moderation...if you possibly can...

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